• “They were just great - can’t fault them” - Karen, Family Member
  • “They are always on time!” - Karen, Family Member
  • “She quickly established a very empathetic relationship with me” - Judy, Family Member and Client
  • “I have built up a very trusting relationship” - Judy, Family Member and Client
  • “I really enjoy my role” - Donna, Alpha Support at Home Team Member
  • “I want them to be happy and to look forward to the visits” - Donna, Alpha Support at Home Team Member
  • “I love the fact that the people who need assistance feel supported” - Liz, Alpha Support at Home Team Member


“Lonely, unhappy, powerless –that’s how nearly all Australians see life in an aged care facility.”- 2020 Survey ordered by RCACQS

We support your right to stay

At Alpha Support at Home, we advocate for older Australians' autonomy by providing a practical alternative to the existing residential care system.

Access services that help you look after your home and health as you age, from a fortnightly cleaner or gardener right through to higher-needs home nursing.

It's easy to get started. And you can gradually adjust your service schedule as you age, so you feel fully supported at every stage.


Why choose us?

At Alpha Support at Home, we pride ourselves on delivering Expert-Driven Care. Our service offerings are shaped and guided by expert nursing professionals who contribute a wealth of clinical experience to our dedicated support team.

Hear from our team what they believe makes Alpha Support at Home service special, and why you should choose us for your or your loved one’s care and support.

Home Care Packages(L1-L4), Homecare Services_Alpha Support At Home

Home care services

A Home Care Package, funded by the Commonwealth Government, is a great way for you to access services and support tailored to suit your individual needs. Alpha Support at Home can work with you to develop a personalised plan designed to enable you to continue living independently in the comfort of your own home. If you find yourself in need of more than just basic assistance, a Home Care Package is an ideal solution, offering a comprehensive approach with an extensive range of services, aids, and equipment to support you.

To maximise the potential of your Home Care Package, a care coordinator will work with you to understand and develop an array of support and services specifically designed to meet your unique requirements.

Alpha Support at Home offers support for all levels of Home Care Packages to cater to a wide spectrum of needs:

To discuss your individual needs and requirements, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to assist you in determining the most suitable level of care and support to meet your individual needs. Call us on 1300 023 676.


Home care services we offer

A Home Care Package (HCP) is designed to assist you in many ways to live comfortably and independently in your own home.
Alpha Support at Home can provide you with a range of services including:

Hear from Judy as she discusses her experiences more broadly of securing care for her beloved husband and, later, for herself, with Alpha Support at Home.

I was always happy to go directly to Alpha Support at Home and whoever I got on the phone either answered appropriately or, if they didn’t know the answer, said ‘we will get back to you’ and they always did, and so I have built up a very trusting relationship.

Judy – Family Member and Client

It’s so easy to get started with Alpha


Require immediate care and support?

Desiring to stay in the comfort of your own home, surrounded by loved ones and the familiar community, is a common wish. Private home care offers a solution that empowers you to maintain your independence while receiving the necessary support, exactly when you need it.

Private home care is a flexible fee-for-service option that offers you immediate access to support. Unlike government-funded Home Care Packages, private care eliminates the need for government assessments, evaluations, and subsidies. It provides a hassle-free way for you to access the support necessary for independent living. Additionally, private care can complement the care hours you receive through your Home Care Package if they do not fully meet your unique needs.


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